Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Great Opportunity for Home Business

I just signed up for a Home Business opportunity where you simply shop online at Target, Home Depot, Office Depot etc., etc. and earn commissions and points towards future bonuses while helping those upline from you earn points towards theirs. Brilliant concept as you pay no more than when going to the store, save on time and gas money and earn commissions and bonuses amounting to many thousands a month by signing up two others who are doing the same. The only pre-requisite is to (preferably via auto-ship so as not to forget by a day) purchase $100/Mo on environmentally friendly products, such as chlorene free paper products, environmentally safe laundry soaps, nutritional and natural pet foods, vitamins and nutritional suppliments, drinks and protein bars and much much more. If you don't purchase this much per month, no problem, you can get other auto-pay's set up via your web site from friends, family and acquaintances and this will work as well.

This product is so Hot that my sponsor has signed up 11 people in two days. I've only been a member for one day and have already saved money on an airline ticket which was cheaper shopping on this site than the normal discount site I use and I also was able to order paper and office supplies for the same cost as usual in Staples but delivered - so noone had to take an hour of their time and spend the gas to go get this - and I'm making commissions and bonus points on it!

I really can't think of anyone who couldn't use some extra money. My sponsor has been with the company three weeks now and is lined up so far this month to earn over $4,000 - his first month!!

Give me a Call, (800) 616-4255 for more information on how to get involved.

Connie Saunders

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